Health-e-Schools NC Locations
The Center for Rural Health Innovation/Health-e-Schools serve seven counties in western North Carolina, partner with four counties in southeastern North Carolina, and are in the development stage with four other counties within NC.
Western North Carolina Schools:
Avery County:
Avery County Middle School
Avery County High School
Banner Elk Elementary
Blue Ridge Academy
Cranberry Middle School
Crossnore Elementary
Freedom Trail Elementary
Newland Elementary
Riverside Elementary
Burke County:
Burke Middle College/AIG/STEAM
Draughn High School
Drexel Elementary
East Burke Middle School
Forest Hill Elementary
Freedom High School
George Hildebrand Elementary
Glen Alpine Elementary
Hallyburton Academy
Heritage Middle School
Hildebran Elementary
Hillcrest Elementary
Icard Elementary
Liberty Middle School
Mountain Crest Elementary
Mountain View Elementary
Mull Elementary
North Liberty
Oak Hill Elementary
Patton High School
Ray Childers Elementary
Salem Elementary
Table Rock Middle School
Valdese Elementary
WA Young Elementary
Walter Johnson Middle School
Caldwell County:
Baton Elementary
Caldwell Applied Sciences Academy
Caldwell Early College
Davenport Elementary
Dudley Shoals Elementary
Gamewell Elementary
Gamewell Middle School
Gateway Alternative
Granite Falls Elementary
Granite Falls Middle School
Happy Valley
Hibriten High School
Horizons Elementary
Hudson Elementary
Hudson Middle School
Kings Creek
Lower Creek Elementary
Sawmills Elementary
South Caldwell High School
Valmead Elementary
West Caldwell High School
Whitnel Elementary
William Lenoir Middle School
Madison County:
Brush Creek Elementary
Hot Springs Elementary
Madison Early College High School
Madison High School
Madison Middle School
Mars Hill Elementary
McDowell County:
East McDowell Middle School
Eastfield Global Magnet School
Foothills Community School
Glenwood Elementary
Marion Elementary
McDowell Academy for Innovation
McDowell County Head Start
McDowell Early College
McDowell High School
McDowell Virtual School
Nebo Elementary
North Cove Elementary
Old Fort Elementary
Pleasant Gardens (PG) Elementary
West Marion Elementary
West McDowell Middle School
Mitchell County:
Bowman Middle School
Deyton Elementary
Gouge Elementary
Greenlee Primary
Harris Middle School
Mitchell High School
Mayland Early College High School
Yancey County:
Blue Ridge Elementary
Burnsville Elementary
Micaville Elementary
Mountain Heritage High
South Toe Elementary
SE North Carolina Partner Schools:
Clinton City (within Sampson County):
Butler Avenue Elementary
Clinton High School
L.C. Kerr Elementary
Sampson Middle School
Sunset Avenue Elementary
Duplin County:
Beulaville Elementary
B.F. Grady Elementary
Chinquapin Elementary
East Duplin High School
James Kenan High School
Kenansville Elementary
North Duplin Elementary
North Duplin JR/SR High School
Rose Hill-Magnolia Elementary
Wallace Elementary
Wallace-Rose Hill High School
Warsaw Elementary
Jones County:
Comfort Elementary
Jones Senior High School
Maysville Elementary
Pollocksville Elementary
Trenton Elementary
Pender County:
Burgaw Middle School
Cape Fear Elementary
Cape Fear Middle School
CF Pope Elementary
Heide Trask High School
Malpass Corner Elementary
North Topsail Elementary
Pender Early College High School
Pender High School
Penderlea School (K-8)
Rocky Point Elementary
South Topsail Elementary
Surf City Elementary
Surf City Middle School
Topsail Elementary
Topsail High School
Topsail Middle School
West Pender Middle School